Saturday, August 27, 2005


Bharati's nichyathartham takes place, precariously balanced when Hariharan leaves in a huff. At Kadir's uncle's place, the old man gets set to attend the function. His wife and son dissuade him, the former because she thinks he is going to cause trouble, the latter because he thinks it is an insult, after the girl has chosen Kadir over him. Nonetheless, he insists.

At the function, he shows up, and to everyone's consternation, behaves with dignity and even apologizes to Kadir. His younger brother gives him the pride of place in the ceremonies, and everything proceeds OK. Bharati and Kadir are now 'officially' betrothed.

Meanwhile, Sivaperumal is given bail. On coming out, he learns from his mother that all his plans have come unraveled. Devayani is up and about, the betrothal ceremony is on because Hariharan has stepped into the breach, etc. etc. He and his mother rush to the ceremony, but it is already over.

He goes home and thrashes his wife (who, it will be recalled, told the crucial lie to convince the idiot woman Devayani that it was Sivaperumal's intention that the ceremony proceed as scheduled).

Right after the ceremony, Devayani comes to his house, and apologizes to Sivaperumal that the ceremony took place without him. When he goes back to drop her, she gets into an argument with her daughters, and proceeds to lock herself in the upstairs room, where her husband had committed suicide.

What exactly happened in that room? When Sivaperumal goes up to persuade his aunt Devayani to come out of the room, there is a flashback. He remembers that his uncle was upset over Manjula's elopement. He goes in to see him, hot and angry. His uncle, howver, has calmed down, saying there is nothing to be gained by talk of killing her and Kalidas, etc. Sivaperumal is not satisfied, and when his uncle tries to restrain him as leaves vowing to kill them both, he pushes his uncle away, and the old man falls down and dies. Sivaperumal is in a fix. He quickly uses a rope his uncle had probably prepared as he considered (but rejected) suicide, and hangs his uncle's body from the ceiling, setting up a scene as though it was a suicide.

As he comes out of the room, his mother is there. He tells her what has happened, and she too conspires to keep this a secret.

Absurd to more absurd. Having failed in her objective to kill Selvi, Maya now 'hatches' a new plan. Acid, filled in eggs, to be thrown on Selvi to disfigure her. This too is entrusted to the same lady, Kanaka/Kala, and the rest of the episode is a demonstration of the physics and chemistry of constructing an egg-bomb filled with acid.

Krishnaveni and Ramani have a naming ceremony for the new child, whom they have named Padmini. This line of the story is insipid and holds our attention no longer. Only one item of interest -- her father reveals to Krishnaveni that the child is really Hamsaveni's. She is shocked, but does not indicate to anyone else that she knows this. Ramani (dolt that he is) still does not guess.

The real story has shifted to Arivu, Rohini, and Nandu. Arivu and Krishna manage to sneak into Nandu's compound and make contact with Rohini's mother. They give her a whistle, and tell her to bring Rohini and be out in the compound at night, when they will rescue them both.

What happened to the astrologer? You will recall that he came out of the lockup and was introduced to the person who sprung him from jail -- it turns out to be --- Pallavan! Well, in the same episode, Pallavan and the astrologer are shown having been captured by Nandu's men (how many men an inspector commands!) and hidden away in some den.

When her mother gets past her two female guards and tells Rohini of the rescue plans, the idiot girl sets her face against it, saying suddenly that she only wants to get married to Nandu!


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