Tuesday, February 28, 2006

GJ Comes Home

Selvi (Episode 282)
JeeJay comes home with Tamarai and Andavan Lingam.Ranjini makes a faux pas by saying that Dilipan (what kind of a name is that?!) is not Selvi's husband. The others cover for her. Andavan lingam makes sarcastic remarks alluding to Dilipan's formal attitude towards Selvi, but Dilipan covers that up. Ranjini's husband tries to indirectly question Andavan's motives in rescuing JeeJay, but Tamarai will have none of it. She's really grateful that he rescued them. Selvi and Dilipan walk off together (what irony) while Tamarai admires them for being such a "decent couple" because they don't indulge in public display of affection.

(Thanks to LJ for narration)


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