Monday, December 18, 2006

Week of Dec 15

Tolkappian wonders why Abhi has never come to see him after her release. Ganga keeps him in the dark about Abhi's visit when he was recovering, and how it was she who drove Abhi away. Anandi also wonders why, but Abhi deliberately rebuffs her.

Meanwhile, at the office, Rajamani madam appoints her nephew, Ranjan, as her authorized representative to run the project. He gives Abhi 10 days time to complete the project, or he will find someone else, as laid down in the contract. Abhi pleads that this was because of Rajamani madam's insistence on buying the land with the three holdouts. Ranjan says all that is not his concern.

Minister and Selpetta Saroja have a falling out. He asks her brothers to buzz off when they approach him for money, saying that undr th4e new government, goondaism is becoming difficult (now a government monopoly?). Then Saroja herself calls him, but he brushes her off, and she threatens him saying she is watching out for him to slip, and his time will come. You know it will.

The serial has moved rapidly from the ridiculous to the boring. A week was devoted to the exchange of child hostages. Now the children are all back to their respective pavilions.

GJ, with Nallathambi's wise counsel, decides to mix fake medicines with real ones in his supplies. As you might expect, one of the victims of the fake medicine is young Kaveri. Others are also affected, including a few deaths. Police, led by Clouseau himself (Nagendran) hunt down the perpetrators, and land up at GJ's factory. The MD is taken into custody (that's Thamarai), and she is in complete shock. GJ, asked by Nallathambi to choose between his freedom and his wife's safety, chooses the former, and goes underground. Selvi says she knew this day would come to pass, and goes to see Tamarai.


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