Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Feb 9

After exhausting herself trying to get money for her company, Abhi decides to spend a few minutes sitting down at the temple.  The priest asks her why she seems so downcast.  She replies that God does not seem to be heeding her troubles.the priest asks for not to lose faith.  Soon her cell phone rings.  It is from some financiershe has never heardabout before. she is delighted that God is finally looking her way.  she hurries to meet  the financier.  Unlike other places, she is welcomed and given a warm reception.  She is totally surprised.  The financier asks for what she needs.  Hesitantly, she mentions the figure of three crore rupees.  To her surprise, the financier is not rattled.  He says, that's no problem, you will get your money.  Now she is completely baffled.  She expected some tough questions.  She asks the financier why he is willing to advance  such a huge sum without any questions.  He replies that he knows a little bit about her and her business.  And he does have someone recommending her quite strongly.  She refuses to take the money unless he tells her who isrecommending her.  At long last, the financier reveals that it is the leading industrialist, Mr. Easwaran.  That is all.  Abhi says she does not want the money.  The financier, not knowing all the background, is no surprised.  But, but, why, why, he splutters, but she is gone.  Outside she seems Easwaran coming to see the financier.  She has some harsh words for him.  And then she leaves.

When she goes home, she tells her mother that she has had no luck in garnering any money.  But you're sure to have  gotten the money today, her mother exclaims. Abhi is suspicious. How could you be so sure, she asks her mother.  Did you speak to Easwaran, she asks.  Hesitantly, her mother admits she did.  He is, after all, she begins... what is he to me, Abhi asks.  Her mother is on the verge of blurting out something.  But she holds her tongue.

Meanwhile, Minister sets a trap for Arjun. A young man is having a party with his friends.  The minister sends, indirectly of course, the fellow who said Arjun's fiancĂ© was actually in love with him, to confront him and fight with him. Arjun loses his temper, and beats up the guy, after which he leaves.  The guy is on the floor, injured but not seriously.  At this point, Minister says some other men to get told of this guy and take him to the beach and kill him, so that suspicion would fall on Arjun. This they do.

Minister says a trusted police inspector to Arjun's house, late at night.  The cop insists on arresting Arjun and taking him to the police station. Refusing to listen to Easwaran or Adi, they dragged him away.  As he calculates, Minister promptly receives a call from Adi. He says, hold yourself together, we'll go and see him in the morning.  Thereafter, Minister telephones the policeman and tells him that he shouldspend the rest of the nightbeating up his charge, taking care of that there are no visible signs of injury.

Rombatoomuch succeeds in putting in enough of a guilt trip on Selvi. NiranjanIs drinking and fighting with his wife each night.  This is all because he does not have the sense that he owns anything. Selvi the tenderhearted immediately calls him toher houseand hands over the Mylapore mess  in his name.  He reluctantly accepts, and goes home to tell Ceylon Mani that her wish has come true, his sister has handed over a business to him.  She is still not satisfied.  you only have her word, she says.she is so clever, your sister, not giving any legal document to show that you really own the business!  Niranjan is shocked by her attitude, but he does not have the energy to argue.  He declares that all relationship of husband and wife between them is over.

Rombatoomuch now works on her second daughter-in-law, pointing out for how smartCeylon Mani has been, securing a business for her husband from Selvi. Wise up, she tells click click.  In due course, click click begins her petition to her husband who have none of it.  He drags her to her mother's place, hoping she would be able to knock some sense into her daughter.  In turn, he is surprised, when, upon hearing what has been going on, his mother-in-law also sides with her daughter, saying what is wrong in being smart and grabbing some opportunities when they come your way?

the judge cross-examines the jailer.  He asks if G. J. came to see Tamarai in jail.  The jailer replies that he did come to jail, but not to see his wife.  Instead he met with Maya. The judge chews on this.


At 6:44 PM, February 15, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The serial Lakshmi is going good as well. Can someone post the happenings on it?

At 7:05 AM, February 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo lakshmi postings pls ?

At 6:24 AM, February 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped seeing kolangal about 7 months ago out of disgust and boredom. Now I have Star Sky in which sun tv is not relayed for reasons known to everyone. It is not a big loss. I came across the suntv blog last week, and I have read all the postings of suntvian on kolangal. He has a nice sense of humour and I hope the producer follows his advice and eliminate reduntant characters and dialogues. Many thanks for the suntvian. The story is proceeding on expected lines, and even if I come back to the serial after one year, i may not miss anything.

I agree, it would be nice if someone posts on lakshmi and sorgangal.


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