Friday, April 14, 2006

Hostile Takeover in Selvi

ANANDAM          14th April
Madan and Rohini leave for work after Rajeshwari assures them that the child will be fine with her home remedies.  Abhirami is with the doctor for a check up. He asks her to have no tensions as her bloodpressure is high. She laments that singlehandedly she has to manage a huge business. Doctor asks her to do meditation and yoga. He says Rk who had  high blood pressure earlier is now absolutely fine after his Ashram stay. The phone rings and Rohini is on the line. She tells him   her child' is slightly unwell and he should go when her mother in law calls him.. Abhirami overhears this coversation an ambulance with a doctor and nurse in attendence arrives at RK's residence to treat the baby. Rajeshwari says there is no need for any teratment as the baby is well and he is sleeping. She says she did not call any doctor. Abhirami comes in and announces she brought the doctor. The whole groupe is asked to leave. She tells Abhirami   that her arrogance and high handedness are all a cover as she is really a beggarbegging for Madan. She has no gratitude to people who have helped her.  Ghani and Arjun discuss about the possiblity of Govindan's wife working somewhere,  which means she has not met her husband.

MALARGAL episode127
Darshini terrorises Vidya that she is hated by Ramesh and she should not call again. Tulasi finds Vidya weeping and assures her Ramesh will surely come as he himself had told her. She speaks of the role women  as new brides face. It is more difficult in a house where they dont have a girl of their own.  She has the same problem. They don't understand how a girl feels in her new  home. It is bearable when the husband is understanding. Sharada, her mother in law is the cause of her problem.  Police arrives at Gounder's
 home. They question Bhasker about the events that morning. He tells them his master loved him and he would never harm him. They take Bhasker away for interrogation. Murthy begged them to wait till the father comes, but they refuse and take Bhasker away. Mallika  is now angry no body stopped the police taking away her husband. She hurriedly packs a bag and leaves the house. Shiva goes in search of his father.

Bharath's father wants his son to marry.  His mother also is very eager to find a bride. They ask him if he has anybody in mind. In the end they find out about Anandi and they are pleased Manohar and Anu have along coversation over the phone. Rajendran hears the whole story, asks him who was on the phone, he understands there is a girl in his life. He promises to tell his sister. The minister comes to Aditya and Rekha flaunting all the papers needed for their new business. Aditya is surprised at the speed with which everything has been done,   and the miniter tells him that if could not do this what is the meaning of being a politician.   Anandi and Bharathi visit the mental assylum. The cheif man explains how he has a dedicated groupe with him. He says if they do a write up he will get more funds and he can do a lot. Just then one patient is who  a difficult case from Chennai is beaten and the chief stops it saying it is agaist his principle. He tells them this patient. Kartik  is from a well to do family suffering severe depression and the family is away abroad. Anandi goes   near and sees her friend Kartik. He is ithe same  Kartik whose marriage with her  didn't take place. He is unrecognisable -- in a pitiable form. She cries seeing him in that state

SELVI   episode 315
Selvi's mother has a sheaf of currency notes from a couple and she is promising that the job is assured for their son. GJ  enters  in a very agitated  mood -- he cries out he has been thrown out from his post as chief of the oil business. Selvi comes down hearing the commotion. He promptly directs his anger at her saying it is  her fierce attack of Andavan that has caused this Selvi points out she spoke about the cell business and not this oil business. The mother intervenes and asks why he didn't put up a stand there. Why is he shouting at them? Again he blames Selvi for everything and says he hated to come to this house.   Do you all want me to go and beg Andavan?  

Tamarai is creating havoc. Tamarai is in a fix what she should do regarding the business. Ranjani pities her. Puja says she should not have done this. Tamarai gets angry at this remark. Amar comes in and cries. He is sad his sister has thrown out the man who knew the intricacies of that busines. He is sad that Akka has no experience in running a business. Tamarai in a contemptous way says that Selvi knows how to run a business.  Amar says though a business graduate from Harvard he is still a novice at business. He suggests they should call for candidates and select someone. Tamarai comes out with a snap decision and appoints him chief, saying he is ths best one.  She gives him all the powers. Andavan accompanied by Amar and Kathan come to the office calls everyone and announces Amar as their boss.   They enter Govindan's office and ask him to bring all the ledgers to the chief's room. Govindan puts up a last ditch battle. He refuses to recognise them. Kathan administers his tactics and Govidan  accepts defeat. Amar is  seated in GJs chair.   Andavan says the next item in the agenda is Dilipan.

Vijay brings the false labels home. He places them in a cupboard in his room, the returns shortly to his room to discover them missing. Since there are only three people in the house -- himself, and his two parents, he immediately suspects his mother, whom he saw come upstairs (where his room is). He then hunts around the house, and discovers them hidden under his mother's bed in her room. He charges her with being behind the false product sales. She cries, saying Kadambam Food Products is like her baby, how could she ever do this? Then she reminds him that another person also uses her bedroom. Then it dawns on Vijay. He sets a trap for his father, dropping a few food product labels. Muthukumar comes in, and stealthily picks up the labels, proving he knows what they are, and is the one behind the duplicate sales. When Vijay confronts him, Muthukumar whispers that it is his mother who is behind it. She is listening around the corner, crying. They both know it is his father. Vijay is ready to go to the police station and get his father arrested. His mother prevails on him, by emotion and threat, not to do so.

(Thanks to SR)


At 9:58 AM, April 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Jaya new year, everybody. Wish you all peace and prosperity.

At 7:29 AM, April 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi anyone knows if Hong Kong Lantau Island can get to watch Anandam, via internet any options?


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