Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sep 11

Ganga meets with Tolkappian and apologizes. He downplays it, saying no offense taken. Then she reveals how her father saw her as a bad omen, and in fact had her given away for a year according to some astrologer's advice.

Major dust-up in Tirvengadam's house. He is drinking, and gets into a grudge fight with his daughter in law, who has just returned from work. Finally, he gets really nasty and accuses her of getting pregnant before marriage, whereupon his wife throws him out of the house.

At Abhi's house, another argument, with Anjali shouting at Mano, and at Suresh, whereupon Aarati, for whom argument is a probably a welcome substitute, jumps right in with Anjali and a shouting match commences.

GJ in denial. Selvi meets him. He denies that it is his voice, claims he is being framed.
Amar is shocked by GJ's game. Promises to get even.
Pandian's daughter gets a call from Praba. She tells him her father is holding her somewhere against her will. Pandian steps in and breaks the phone.

Story by Ranga continues...
Says after Badri told her that there was no possibility for their union to work, she confides in Kasi. Kasi expresses apprehensions that Badri is betrothed (in a way) to Kala. But, he says he will try. He sends an anonymous note to Kala's mother, purporting to be from Kala, saying that she has found another person to love. Mother shows it to Badri, who now reconciles himself to this fate, and tells Ranga he too loves her. Asks her to be ready to elope.

Kala is upset, but realizes she is sacrificing Badri for her best friend, and wishes them well.


At 5:48 PM, September 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Suntvian, the updates seem to be up for Sep 11.

At 9:32 AM, September 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to malargal after Sep 8th ? No posting yet...guess everyone is sad after Jo's wedding..


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