Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sep 15

Abhi takes mother to see the plot and her dreams for the building. Mother totally floored (no pun intended). Mother says she is sad Abhi is not married. Says to Abhi, is there any chance you and Bhaskar...Abhi says don't even think about it.

Suresh and sidekick are in some shed, pouring out a glass of poison and a glass of alcohol. Both are quite drunk already. Suresh's idea is to take the poison and call Aarti. But his drunken friend takes down the number wrong, and when Suresh drinks the poison, there is no Aarti on the line to hear about it. His friend tries to take him to the clinic, where he has arranged to have his stomach pumped.

Selvi and Tamarai's father come to see GJ's dad's body. Tamarai refuses to let her in, though she lets in Pooja, who has also come with them. Finally Selvi gives up and heads out, when Niranjan comes along and says he will see who stops her. GJ has just been brought by the police, and does a good job of portraying a stunned man. Niranjan shouts at Tamarai's family, and tells the cop, loudly, I think there is some foulplay here, which is why they don't want my sister to see the body. I am going to make a formal complaint. At this, there are worries and whispers, and finally, Selvi and Tamarai's dad are able to see the body.

At Malar's place, Malar's mom and her youngest daughter come to fetch Malar to take her to the GJ place, but Amar will not have any of it. He says he will abandon Malar if she goes. That is, of course, the ultimate threat, and the mother relents.

More pap. Terrible acting as well. Anyway, Kala raises the child. IN the meantime, her brother in law is getting drunk every day. Her sister is carrying her third child, Swati. The ages of the children don't square up, but that's the least of our problems with this worthless serial. Looks like Ranga's child is younger than Bharani, but older than both Karthik and Swati. Yet, the child is less than two when Kala brings him over to show Ranga. Ranga refuses to give him up. Kala reminds her that her father will kill the child if he sees him. Which he does but is too stupid to put two and two together, and concluding it is Kala's love-child, satisfies himself with some cheap remarks about Kala.

In the meantime, her sister, after delivering Swati, dies. But not before giving a longish speech about how she was unable to protect Ranga from their father, and requesting that Ranga be a mother to her children. Ranga promises. But the unstated other half of the request is fulfilled soon. Mohan, her brother in law, decides to leave the house., taking the children with him. He says he has decided to remarry. Ranga's father says in that case, why not marry Ranga? Ranga is shocked, shocked, but sees that if she does not, she will lose the children, and cannot keep her promise to her sister. Ergo, kottumelam.



At 7:42 AM, September 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Akash is the child then who is that "Solaiappan"? Strange. Did Kala take the wrong child from the orphange? I think so. Anyway, please do update the daily happenings for i am unable to watch Sun Tv for the time being so at least I can read them and feel good. Oh yes, can anyone tell me what is the telephone number of Sun Music programmes, especially "Hello Hello"? And also if we were to write a letter to anyone of the Deejays in Sun Music how can we go about doing it? I have some queries and I would like to clarify it with one of the deejays but not sure how to send it to them. Please do help me. Please.

At 1:22 PM, September 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but comment.
but that's the least of our problems with this worthless serial.
with due respect, despite its misgivings, and dubious story line, this serial is a whole lot more believable, sensible and watchable when compared with the likes of Kolangal (which is just one big, boring spiral)
In penn, the director has thus far succeeded in maintaing interest - pacing his storytelling, avoiding unnecessary 'tyagi' or crying scenes and slowly revealing each character's mysteries. OF course there are loopholes in logic, if it were perfect, it wouldn't be a suntv serial.
This serial deserves more leniency and less cynicism.
It might be more justified (and fun!) if you directed your sarcasm at serials that truly deserve it: eg: Anandam, Kolangal, Selvi..... These are the ones that make you question if such things can happen in real life...

At 10:24 AM, September 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could we have updates for 18th September 2006?

At 1:40 AM, September 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hai your teleserial is fantastic and superb. i wonder about your acctying skill and getting impresion from people as well as fine but dont use only the sad or confused situation. try to do some thing batter.

sangar , kalyani


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